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I have a feeling this is going to have fewer songs on it than the previous two albums. Probably about ten. But they seem to run a bit long these days, so that's plenty. And they'll all be on target and I will cover everything with them. Here is artwork associated with the project. Obviously above you see the bumper-sticker formatted page header. This is probably what the album cover will look like (although I am prone to tweaking such things): And here is the "barbed wire" motif I use for the edges of the weave: Some songs also have images associated with them. This is the cropped piece I am co-presenting with Tank Treads: This image is by Joseph Eid, from "The music over the ruins of Aleppo" a March 15 2017 article he created for L'Agence France-Presse(AFP). The magpies made their entrance from this clue in the December 9th Guardian. This photograph by Jennifer Goss (used here with her kind permission) and some ensuing discussion are what led to my writing "Postcard".