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Obstructed View: Victory Is For Lovers
sentence fragments and the craft of conversation

I have a feeling this is going to have fewer songs on it than the previous two albums. Probably about ten. But they seem to run a bit long these days, so that's plenty.

And they'll all be on target and I will cover everything with them.

Here is artwork associated with the project. Obviously above you see the bumper-sticker formatted page header.

This is probably what the album cover will look like (although I am prone to tweaking such things):

And here is the "barbed wire" motif I use for the edges of the weave:

Some songs also have images associated with them.

This is the cropped piece I am co-presenting with Tank Treads:

This image is by Joseph Eid, from "The music over the ruins of Aleppo" a March 15 2017 article he created for L'Agence France-Presse(AFP).

Magpies - the inspiration for a song

The magpies made their entrance from this clue in the December 9th Guardian.

A Postcard in the Sun

This photograph by Jennifer Goss (used here with her kind permission) and some ensuing discussion are what led to my writing "Postcard".