- - - - - art & concept - other albums & work - copies & contact being is concealing These are demos of my current work. My main reason for making these is to assess musical ideas, and what I have to work on. I might also have a friend or two who enjoys following their progress. The song titles are links that will bring up the lyrics in a new tab or window, so clicking them does not stop the music that is playing. The first date is when the lyrics were conceived, however distant that draft may be, and the date in parentheses is the date I recorded what you hear here. Track order, especially Side Sold, is a matter of strong debate right now. 01: You Gotta Steal - 6/20/22 (7/622)
02: Damaged Floor Model - 5/22/22 (6/3/22)
03: Who Falls In Love - 6/12/22 (7/9/22)
04: The Devil to a Draw - 5/16/22 (5/19/22)
05: Full of Strangers - 6/13/22 (6/27/22)
06: When She Twists - 7/12/22 (7/13/22)
07: Psycho Metric - 5/16/22 (7/10/22)
08: Revolution - 7/15/22 (7/19/22)
09: In Your Attic - 5/10/22 (7/7/22)
10: Slavery Rag - 6/24/22 (7/6/22)
11: No Way to Live - 7/4/22 (7/9/22)
12: again tomorrow - 6/14/22 (6/19/22)
13: We Would Die - 5/27/22 (7/12/22)
14: By What Right - 6/29/22 (7/6/22)
15: Flowers - 7/8/22 (8/6/22)
16: You Gotta Heal - 6/20/22 (7/25/22)
Copyright 2022, all rights reserved Technically, a "demo" is either a rough idea for a song brought to band practice, or a home-made or low-budget recording submitted to a record company. These lie somewhere in between, since I have neither a band nor a record company. |