Creative Acts

The act of creating can be incredibly mystifying.

It is so easy to fall back on the simpler explanations:

  • The thing created was actually something we knew but forgot we knew.
  • The creative act was just a synthesis of two things we already knew.
  • The new thing is just an old thing described with language usually applied to something else.
Even these are wonderful things to be able to do, especially if one is readily able to perform them. But the sort of thing I am speaking of is a little harder to get a handle on. Perhaps an example will help? While this example can be explained by recourse to the analytical breakdown of the mind I have here, it was not "like that" when it happened.

Sure, I understand (and explain) the seeds of the idea - I know where it came from in my "past self" - but the how of it, and what it felt like, were not so easy to explain. It defies words.