This was actually an intentional attempt to write something that was divorced from my recent emotional tribulations. I started with a blank piece of paper, and one word: "death". There were multiple reasons for this. One major one was the stifling of my "dark side" last year, since there was enough of that around for both of us. Another was, well, it's a great topic. It's fun to write about. Almost immediately, the feel shifted, though, and it turned out to be taking place in a theater. Four stanzas, and a closing line to each that left me unsure what I was trying to say. A couple of weeks later, I accidentally wrote the fifth stanza, and two more tumbled quickly out. Then I addressed those closing lines, since I knew what I wanted, now - for the word "light" to have a different meaning each time. I set it to the only bit of "new" guitar work I had handy, and even made a quick demo on telephone number two. I really like the light-hearted way it came out. It's very friendly - almost bubbly in mood - and unlike anything else I have written. This pleases me. Additionally, the only other two songs (Winter and Forgive) I had to work on during this plunge back into the maelstrom that is me making music were emotionally trying to use to get enough "practice time". So now I have something to practice the living hell out of that is actually fun! (Notes about the notes about the songs) ![]() © Huw Powell