(notes about the song) Hmmm, I don't think I ever posted this recording from the 1st of [this month]. I could write a chapter about this song, but I want to talk, to share, to laugh, to smile, not type. Oh, I should say this. It began with a guided free association (like much of this album) starting with only one word, That yielded a four-verse poem, a lightweight piece in the social criticism vein. A month later I scribbled a vicious, strongly flavored, point/counterpoint refrain and bridge, of sorts, and stapled the two pieces of paper together. Six or seven weeks after that I fended off plague psychosis for another night by putting them in a blender with some notes and chords. And a fifth verse (which is the fourth one, right before the gaping chasm). The refrain took a lot of rewriting. The bridge/canyon stayed just as it was when the first ink dried. A week later I had this. A week after that I processed the film. The night I taped this was definitely one of those moments you see photographed in the better magazines. That root chord was sparkling, and just longing to be touched in so many ways and from so many directions. I had fun with the amateur video production, too. 2/22/21 The demo referred to in the 2/22/21 text is this one: Demo - 2021 02 01 new chorus, 4th verse (Notes about the notes about the songs) ![]() © Huw Powell