Hey girl go get me
My Benson and Hedges and a pint of gin
And a lime if Vicky's got some.
Just get me the basics and get one more day
Through this haze of summer fun
Bring me my purse and don't touch a thing -
'Cause I've just lit my last cigarette
The sun is coming in at that dusty angle
Where it lights up the whole kitchenette
Leave the TV on - 'cause Merv's due up soon
And let the dog out while you're gone
And bring me my change straight here back home
And get yourself a Coke if you want
I might go out and sit by the pool
If the neighbor's out mowing his lawn
But lately it seems that I don't like the sun
Like I did when I was young
But lately it seems like I don't like the sun
Like I did when I was young