Random Thoughts

Scratch the Earth

Scratch the earth, then she bleeds
What else can we do?
Plant these seeds, then we can feed
The cycle rings it's true

Feed the earth - easy loyal
Feel your worth - know the soil

Open these lands, and what lies within
We are growing lax
Wherever you go, they lie in wait
Call it a memory tax

Wherever we have put down roots
We stain the land with blood

A tree would never poison the soil
That it needed to grow as it should

We may have our faltered doubts
And sometimes slow our flood

But you know people, where we call home
We've taken all we could

Feed the earth - easy loyal
Feel your worth - know the soil

Leave these seeds we plant to be
Returning warming hands
We all live, minds to be free
They don't understand

Feed the earth - easy loyal
Feel your worth - know the soil

Scratch the earth and we plead
Whole the earth we all need

Feel the earth


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Demo - 5/26/27

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© Huw Powell

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