What is it that you people want?
Answers for how to heal your shoddy lives?
I tell you and you argue from lack of imagination
I show you and you simplify success to luck
Not easy is this understanding
Not like reading fairy tales (or self-help books)
Not easy is the road to happiness
Not like watching television (or following orders)
Unyoke yourselves
From your pathetic fantasies;
From your commercialized brainwashing;
From your tattered dreams of love.
Harden your hearts
To desperate years of learning
To honest struggles with your flaws
To realize you may never be happy
What is it you people want?
Warm beds, good food and an easy conscience?
I tell you and you simplify in your ignorance
You like the poetry but -
You prefer feeling to thought
Without ever really doing either.
1/21/03 - 5 AM