Random Thoughts


Merchants of debt
Merchants of death

I took half of what your grand dad made
So I could rent it back to you
I took half of what your daddy made
Because I wrote the book and the rules

Merchants of debt
Merchants of death

Protecting the wealth I took through the years
Takes a lot of blood, money, lives
So I take more than ever before
To safeguard what I claim is mine

Merchants of debt
Merchants of death

I let you use a bit of those riches
Your family made long ago
I charge you half of it just to pay back
A quarter of what I say you owe

Merchants of debt
Merchants of death

No one escapes and we charge your kids
Just for some water and air
If they sign up we'll even take their money
For singing at their own fair

Merchants of debt
Merchants of death

(instrumental flyover: B-52s and bombs you bought)

Merchants of debt
Merchants of death

Once we get you paying by the month
For everything we used to make you buy
We'll be taking all the riches made
Between the ocean and the sky

Merchants of debt
Merchants of death

We'll smile as we rent you back the love
Your ancestors left you for free
And we'll charge you double for every breath
If you study any of this history

Merchants of debt
Merchants of death

4/26/24 (2 of 2)

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Demo - 4/27/24

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© Huw Powell

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