I wonder how many laws a nation can pass
to enforce the treatment of all of us
as human beings before it's obvious
people don't want anything like justice?
obviously the vast majority
don't want a just society
justice is for just us
people like you and me
people just like you and me
we only want to be free
but after all this time you've endured
not being treated as a human,
I'm a little afraid of what you might do
if I have to share my rights with you
I'm really afraid of the things you will do
if I have to share my rights with you
and with equality you might want a little bit of revenge!
I'm pretty sure you are just like me
- and I would want to get even
I'm pretty sure you are just like me
- I would kick you if you were breathing
I'm pretty sure you are just like me
- your cruelty is matched by your greed
I'm pretty sure you are just like me
- in everything but your right to be
so instead of understanding you as another
and treating you like a sister or brother
I'll continue to try to keep you under
by voting or violence, and muting your thunder
I'll make sure my false power is clear
and I'll make sure you don't get any ideas
I've recited "equal justice for all"
enough times that I'm pretty sure
that what you want isn't equality
but more power than you deserve