A person is not free if they have no food. A person is not free if they have no roof or door. Socialism is freedom. A person is not free if their health fails them. A person is not free if education is out of reach. Socialism is freedom. A person is not free if they are forced into toil to survive. A person is not free if advancing age threatens peril. Socialism is freedom. ======= (This is an intermission, that the gentle folk might refresh themselves) The fear of people treating them as they treat others:
Life should not be a system of rewards and punishments -
======= A person is not free if they cannot breathe clean air. A person is not free if their water is unsafe to drink. A person is not free if they must live on, in, or near their or others' waste. A person is not free if their food is tainted or empty of nutrients. A person is not free if the very earth poisons their children. Socialism, government, and regulation are how we guard freedom from oppression. A person is not free when under threat of violence. A person is not free if they must daily fear the peacekeepers. A person is not free if their "truth" is formed from lies. A person is never free until they are truly equal in opportunity. A person is not free if these issues will loom with advancing age. Socialism is freedom. 10/24/20 ============= Some (lazy) people think of "freedom" in physical terms, in terms of physical movement, in terms of lack of restraint, and only as abstractly as phrases like "my fist right up until it interferes with your face." The implication of that formulation is violent, and it insists on reminding me with a threat as loud as the arguer feels like getting that my "freedom" is, in their view, entirely contingent upon their generosity in deciding not to continue their arm's motion. That my freedom depends on their recognizing my humanity, my agency. Another shortsighted perception of freedom is that it involves plain and obvious choices, physical choices, and that to remove any at all is an assault upon our autonomy. These are terribly blinded ways, and a fearfully and fearsomely aggressive way to think of freedom. They say nothing about the joy and beauty of a life led to its fullest potential, and the conditions required in order for most, if not all, persons to pursue and enjoy such a time on this planet. You will note that many of the points above as introduced can be worked through, using a more sophisticated understanding of that fundamental violent formulation freedom to legitimately limit or regulate behaviors that are far from obviously intrusive, such as generating waste products that are left to disperse into our common air, our comment water, and our common ground. To poison our common wealth is not in the nature of freedom. I shall repeat - that our goal, all of our goal, is for all people - not some, or even most: all people - to have the opportunity to live a life, their life, to its fullest, enjoying the conditions that permit them to create and access all the joy and beauty and love that is possible in their time on this planet. We work together constantly that we -all of us - might achieve this goal, these goals, in all our lives. Socialism is freedom. 10/30/20 ============= A lot of this is about "access." I realize it is very "American" to somewhat agree with these points, but then to slide into arguing that it is up to the individual to access the missing aspects of their freedom on their own. If you find yourself doing so, please understand that you are undoubtedly wrong. I cannot think of a gentle way to say that, and, sadly for you, it is not my job to carefully lead you step by step to a civilized perspective. You are wrong. Your upbringing was highly flawed, your concept of freedom is doubtful, and you yourself are nothing but a tool for capital, for wealth - despite that fact that you may think you have neither, and even be correct. That actually makes it sadder - you are a tool of your own oppression. If you agree with the basic points, without any need to argue "the fine points" of who deserves what, then that is wonderful. let us work towards all persons being free. Socialism is Freedom
Would you rather be free or blind?
Finally: No person is free while another lives in unjust chains - while another is not free. Socialism is freedom. 11/10/20 © Huw Powell