My Mind to Myself (Privacy Song)
If you don't mind I'll kindly
Keep my heart in my chest
I'll mind my own business just fine
And you keep yours like the rest
I'll plan my life close to my vest
And maintain my own private counsel
On matters that concern only me
While you keep yours to yourself
Privacy's a right they say
So please leave mine alone
Don't make no laws and
Don't poke your nose
In places they don't belong
If it's no trouble you keep out
Of plans where you don't belong
And I'll stay to mine with only the invited
Sharing them where I want
But if you don't mind I'll keep my mind
Behind my very own doors
I'll mind my own business
While you keep track of yours
© Huw Powell printed 11 March 2025file location:
My Mind to Myself (Privacy Song) |